Blood Reads

i will admit that i haven't been writing as much as i should. been house hunting, working, getting birthday gifts for my boy, and reading.
i am, at the moment about to watch the latest episode of true blood. which is based of a book series by Charlaine Harris. i have read the first three books this past week and should finish the fourth in the next two days. dead till dark was about a 3.5/5, Living dead in Dallas was about a 4.5/5 and club dead was about a 3/5. it has abit more sex in them than i would like and sometimes the action seams skimmed over but i enjoy the characters and premise full heartily! may i say, i can't stop giggling over the idea of Eric in Lycra... and it's refreshing to have a strong yet realistic lead. Sookie has her wits about her, is a size 8(me too), and enjoy sun bathing. although she is living in a fictional town, her world feels like it could be real. Vampires are out of the coffin, and shifters and weres are just not quite ready.... wait, back that bus up! yes, i said vampires! okay... so not so real but Charlaine paints the picture of Bon Temps, LA so colorfully that it is as if i am trapped in Sookie's telepathic mind. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves vampires and cocky one liners.

Mall Hell... Blah!


So I work in a mall as a hairdresser by day(i'm like the Clark Kent of author wannabes)...
And tomorrow is the start of my hell that is called The Crazy Dayz... three days... i work all of them... hell...

other news... i am so weird, when i write that is. i get multiple personalities and daydream whole chapters of my books. i could tell you odd trivia about the characters, even if it's not in the book...

if i ever went on a book tour, people could ask just about anything! unless it had to do with the plot line of a future book of course...

so just for fun, here is Emerson's favorite color. * Blue* the color of a vein on a woman's delicate wrist. this is the hardest for him to resist. Some guys like T or A... he's a wrist/hand kind of guy... kind of endearing for a blood sucking fiend.

must sleep...

hope this weekend doesn't blow bull balls...

What rattles my brain...

So i am working on Riding Red but i also seem to be working on Brighter. Both could become series if i ever get picked up. Now in Riding Red the love story is there but it takes a backseat to the plot line. That might change if i start to feel that i could write more books to continue the story. And with Brighter i all most have to because of all the back story and character POV's.

Now is it odd that i can't decide which male lead i like most from my own stories?

Okay, let me get their justs...
Emerson::: Loving, jealous, T,D&H, eyes like icebergs, witty, conflicted, oh... and a VERY old vampire.
Silas::: Average, angsty teen, kind, smart... human.
Pryor::: Clumsy, thoughtful, a sweet heart, a coward of sorts, only boy with 4 sisters, and a werewolf.
Sebastian::: Stunningly gorgeous!, golden blonde hair with eyes the color of grass. slight but strong, with a sharp jawline. a forlorn gentlemen, undetermined age, a elfin faerie knight. he can glamor his pointed ears away. he prefers to walk in the world of man but can not cut his ties.

I have other books with other fine gentlemen in them but these are the ones that are stuck in my head. if i were to write both as series i might, at some point have them cross over.

other than that, i have been house hunting and just bought 5 new reads. Which is not so intelligent, because i have at least 10 sitting on my shelf that i need to read. And to add to that i bought the first book to the Sookie Stackhouse Series. So i wont be surprised if i have to get through all those before i move forward with the rest.

I watched the movie UP and it is a winner. i teared up a few times, which is odd for me. I mean its a CARTOON! so go see it, it is one i will buy on bluray.

Electric Coffins and consruction

So I have some back and neck issues... This kinda sucks but thus is life. Anyway, my doctor wanted me to get an MRI. Today was my apt and wasn't very nervous. I just would like to get down to the bottom of this. Also, possibly why I have been smelling odd things that no one else dose. Really why is it no one knows what caterpillars smell like? Was i the only kid that played with bugs?

Well, when I was in the MRI machine I notice something in between focusing on not swallowing and in general, not moving. It was like being in a electric Coffin of sorts. That or a coffin next to a construction site or Si-Fi sound effects studio...

In other news, I have re uploaded the site and added some new stuff. The header I made really looks awesome and I put together some cast idea images! I really can't wait till that movie is made... Maybe someday i could write an amazing novel such as Suzanne Collins has. One can dream...

After reading the ARC of Catching Fire, I was definitely running on adrenaline! You will not be disappointed. Collins has delivered an stunning distopia filled with a ever true message of rebellion against a corrupt government. I would love to see what happened to Harry Potter and Twilight, to happen to Hunger Games.

I have been trying to decide which book to pitch to agents. Right now Riding Red is in the lead. Which is a modern day take on Little Red Riding Hood. If you like werewolves, you might like it, same with faeries and like to laugh at dysfunctional families including crazy grandmothers. Another is Dream Walkers. This one is mostly a love story with a physic twist. Ever wish you could live in your dreams? Yeah, me too... I might just have to write query letters for both.

And you know you are under stimulated when the highlight of your week is your near three year old uses the potty for the first time...


I am always doing way too much and yet never acomplishing enough...

Maybe that's what drives me to succeed.
